Mulmig war dem Journalisten Andy Greenberg, als sein Auto bei 110 Stundenkilometern gehackt wurde. Wenigstens wusste er grob, worauf er sich einlässt. Doch Besitzer smarter Autos dürften Bauchschmerzen bekommen.
While drugs exist for those suffering from seasonal allergies, perhaps it’s best to avoid pollen altogether. Researchers at the Aarhus University in Denmark successfully tested a special nasal filter that blocks pollen particles from entering while letting you breathe easy. The Rhinix device features a low air resistance membrane that filters out most of the pollen particles before they’re able to slip into the nose, helping to prevent an allergic reaction and making allergy meds unnecessary for many patients.
In the clinical trial, 65 people with seasonal allergies received either the Rhinix or a similar looking placebo device to wear throughout the day. The research showed that those who put on the Rhinix when symptoms began to manifest had substantially reduced rates of sneezing, watery eyes, and runny nose, while those that put on the device even before symptoms appeared had a close to 100% reduction in symptoms compared to the placebo. Moreover, drowsiness was reduced by around 50% thanks to the Rhinix, which, combined with the fact that many allergy medications can bring about drowsiness, makes the device particularly beneficial for staying functional throughout the day.
Product page: Rhinix…
Source: Aarhus University…
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